Go Silver

The use of silver for its medical and therapeutic benefits dates back thousands of years. In fact, the Romans were the first to publish the document “magical healing” powers of silver when used to cover wounds. Roman intuition approved correct by Modern medicine, that silver is the most effective antimicrobial..

We in go silver use the USA technology x-static silver fiber (99.9% pure silver) which is approved by US special forces, NASA in the personal and medical health care products.

Silver is good for you……!

: Silver inhibits multiplication of bacteria & microbes and prevents infection.

Anti-Odor: Bacteria are initiative factor of odor molecule. With antibacterial property, unpleasant odor is prevented.

Thermodynamic: Silver regulates temperature, keeps your feet cool in summer and warm in winter.

Anti-Static: Silver dissipates triboelectric charges, resulting in static free, comfortable products, reducing feeling of fatigue.

Anti-edema: Silver promotes blood circulation and relieves edema.